Can a home seller advertise a room as a bedroom even though it does not have a closet?

Can a room be advertised as a ‘bedroom’ if it doesn’t have a closet??

There are very few hard and fast rules for determining whether a room can be advertised as a bedroom. NC law and Realtor Ethics demand that realtors are honest, truthful, and accurate in their advertising.

They do specifically note that the absence of a closet is NOT a determining factor.

Common sense should prevail. There are a couple of hard and fast rules in specific circumstances.

If a home has a septic tank, you can’t advertise more bedrooms than is on the septic tank certificate.

The North Carolina Residential Building Code has a provision that requires every “sleeping room” to have at least one operable emergency escape and rescue opening. If there’s no escape or rescue opening, it can’t be advertised as a bedroom.

Lastly, if there’s not enough room for common bedroom furniture, it shouldn’t be advertised as a bedroom.


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